thankfulAccording to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, "thankful" means “conscious of benefit received,” “expressive of thanks” and “well pleased.” Many people take time during the month of November to remember the benefits they have received, give thanks for them, and feel well satisfied. For some, this occasion includes spending time with others, such as friends, family members or coworkers. For others, it includes a time of joviality, sports, and food. Travel the globe![]() In Canada, they celebrate Jour de l'Action de Grâce in October, remembering their blessings. ![]() In Korea, they celebrate Chuseok around the autumn equinox, remembering their past ancestors and sharing their plentiful harvest Many, many other countries, regions, and people around the world take time to celebrate. Tell us of any other interesting celebrations you know about from around the world. We would love to hear some of your own Thanksgiving stories too.
![]() Get Beyond the Walls is all about getting outside during any season, solving puzzles, learning new things, and spending time with our favorite people. The fall season provides the perfect chance to remember what it was like to be a kid with a thirst for discovery. As kids, we used to collect a variety of colored leaves, make apple prints, and learn all about autumn. Childlike Discovery One puzzle presented to us by our teachers in science class during fall: Why do trees lose their leaves? ![]() Now as an adult, you may know the answer but remember what it was like to be a kid and not know? The teacher would probably have explained it something like this - Teacher Mildred: "Now class, pay attention! Pay attention! Johnny, I'm talking to you! Okay, settle down. Today you are going to learn why leaves lose their trees in the autumn. Johnny raises his hand. Teacher Mildred: "Yes, Johnny?" ![]() Johnny: "My mom said it's because the trees have to go to sleep for the winter, and they can't wear their leaves. They must like to be naked." The class erupts in giggles. Teacher Mildred: "Okay, okay, everyone! Well, Johnny, your mom is right in saying trees can't wear their leaves during the winter. Now, let's see why." Teacher Mildred hands out plastic cups to all the students. Teacher Mildred: "Everyone stand up at your desk. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. Now, let's do that again, but this time, I want you to breathe into the cup and see what happens. Can anyone tell me what happened in the cup?" Johnny raises his hand and answers: "The cup got wet inside!" Teacher Mildred: "That's right! When you breathe out, you are actually breathing out a bit of water every time. In humans, breathing is called respiration. Trees have a similar sounding word called 'transpiration.' Transpiration is just a fancy way of saying that trees 'breathe' out water vapor through their leaves. Does anyone know what happens to water during the winter?" ![]() Cassie beats Johnny to the answer: "It freezes!" Teacher Mildred: "That's correct! During the winter, water freezes, which means that trees can't replace the water they transpire through their leaves. It's better for the trees to let their leaves fall to the ground before winter and conserve the water they have left. That will help the trees survive until the spring." Okay, maybe your classes looked a lot different than ours growing up, but it's still an effective explanation of transpiration. If you're looking for more with Teacher Mildred, check out her science project below. Transpiration Science ExperimentIf you are curious why some trees lose their leaves and others don't, here's Teacher Mildred's science experiment for her second grade class: What you need: -two baggies -two pieces of string, each cut to 18" in length -one evergreen tree (the kind that have needles for leaves) -one deciduous tree (the kind that lose their leaves) Instructions: 1) Go to your evergreen tree and find a low hanging branch. Take one of your baggies and put it around one of the branches so that some of its needles are inside the baggie. Tie a piece of string around the opening so that it stays with some of the branch inside of it. 2) Go to your deciduous tree and find a low hanging branch. Take your other baggie and put it around one of the branches so that some of the leaves are inside the baggie. Tie a piece of string around the opening so that it stays with some of the branch inside of it. 3) Leave it for 24 hours. Come back to the baggies and compare. Which tree has more water collected inside the bag? This should solve the riddle as to why some trees lose their leaves and some stay evergreen. Favorite Fall Food ![]() Another favorite part of this season of change is the food! Food in the fall holds remnants of summer changing to winter. We start to make s oups and stews. Pumpkin spice appears on every shelf in every food item, and apples fall from trees in abundance. From this bounty, people start to make a variety of delectable food items. Applesauce, apple cider, apple cake, and apple pies can be found in any grocery store. One delicious choice, a favorite, is less known and harder to find in a store. Apple hand pies. ![]() They're delightful and a true favorite, filling the house with the smells of apples, cinnamon, and butter. They are flaky with just the right amount of apple filling to pastry ratio. If you'd like to make some too, check out our favorite recipe choice! Walking in the Fall ![]() Another favorite part of fall is, of course, the colors. Yellow, orange, red, and brown. The plethora of changing colors is gorgeous. The temperature has that brisk feel that is just right for a walk outside. Loaded up with a warm drink, it's a great time to travel the city, see the changing colors, and try something new. You're Invited
We hope you Get Beyond the Walls this season and savor the fall foliage!
#1 - Play an outdoor adventure game
If you’re one of the 270,000+ AWESOME people living in Fort Wayne, IN… and you love puzzles, clues, trivia, and exploring new places…then this is for YOU! Because Fort Wayne is home to not one… not two… but THREE epic, outdoor adventure games in downtown that are perfect for those with a spirit for exploration and a competitive nature.
These games by Get Beyond The Walls are packed full with entertaining trivia, puzzles, clue-hunting, and discovering unique sites around downtown that you’ve never seen before. And… because these games happen outside, it’s also the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time making fun memories with a group of friends or family... AND your dog! It's a great way for everyone to get outside for a day of puzzle-solving fun.
April is not only Dog Appreciation Month, but also Walk More Month! So it’s quite literally the BEST time of year to get out there and enjoy the fresh, spring air with your pup and a group of friends. And Get Beyond the Walls outdoor adventure games are the perfect dog friendly activity for exercise and fun! So in Spring 2023, Get Beyond The Walls began the 'Walk Me' Challenge for this very reason. PLUS — as part of the event — a portion of game purchases during March and April 2023 are being donated directly to Humane Fort Wayne animals in need. Is your two-legged or four-legged team up for a cooperative hunt or a competitive challenge? Get your game voucher here, complete your quest, and maybe even score at the top of the leaderboard ;) Then check out our FAVORITE things to do with your dog on your game-playing path. These hotspots in downtown Fort Wayne are top notch and dog-friendly so everyone on your team can take a break during your day of fun! #2 - grab drinks or dine at a dog-friendly restaurant![]()
816 Pint & Slice
Located on 816 S Calhoun Street, 816 Pint & Slice boasts some of the best pizza downtown… Their menu offers delicious foods like:
816 Pint & Slice will have water bowls set out during the month of April 2023 for Walk Me Challenge participants. Your dog may even get a special treat from the staff!
![]() Rudy’s Cigar Shop Located on 3313 409 Brackenridge St, this cozy locale offers craft Indiana beers, wines, cigars, chocolates, and even has an outdoor area with a fire pit! They’ve got drinks like:
Rudy’s Cigar Shop will have dog treats and doggie water bowls out and ready during the month of April 2023 for Walk Me Challenge participants!
#3 - check out another dog friendly activity![]()
Creative Women of the World
Creative Women of the World (CWOW) is perhaps one of the coolest boutiques that all of Indiana has to offer, located at 125 W Wayne St., and they’ve even got a pet section! They sell artisan-made items like beautiful bowls, bracelets, earrings, hot chocolate mix, and more. It’s definitely a one-of-a-kind place to find unique gifts. Their products are handmade, fair trade, and traced back to the hands that created them. In fact, CWOW has worked in 11 countries and buys from artisans in over 50! Women from all around the world have taken the principles from the business training that CWOW offers, and have changed the future of their families by building their own women-led businesses. Don't forget something for you collars, catnip mice, dog mats, dog kerchiefs, treats, and more.
Creative Women of the World will have doggie water bowls out for your pups and will be offering special discounts to Walk Me Challenge participants during the month of April 2023!
TinCaps On Wednesdays home games, you can bring your dog to a TinCaps baseball game for their Paws and Claws night! Purchase Your Ticket It’s the perfect opportunity to play your Get Beyond The Walls game during the day on April 12th or April 26th, and then round out your night at a TinCaps game both you and your dog are sure to love.
This event is presented by Law's Country Kennel, a doggie day care center that’s been a local “home away from home” for Fort Wayne’s dogs for over 35 years! From grooming, to overnight stays, doggy day care, to transportation options, and even nature walks, they offer a wide range of loving care for your dog!
![]() The Landing The Landing is a historical area of Fort Wayne’s history, located on the 100 block of West Columbia Street and sections of Calhoun, Pearl, and Harrison Streets. This area is home to what is considered “the birthing place” of Fort Wayne as a township! It’s now home to several establishments, including: restaurants, bars, coffee shops, small businesses, and more. Throughout this strip, you’ll find doggie water bowls laid out, and dog-friendly outdoor areas to enjoy food and drinks. Plus, it’s only down a block from pet-friendly Promenade Park! #4 - ROMp at a dog-friendly park
Another fun idea for taking a break during your Get Beyond The Walls game is to pack a picnic midday snack, bring your dog’s favorite toys, and head on over to one of the amazing pet-friendly parks in downtown Fort Wayne.
Relax in the fresh air, people watch, and play fetch with Fido while you give your feet a rest and strategize on how to top the leaderboard of your game ;) Or check out the historical side of the parks and learn more about downtown Fort Wayne’s rich history.
Adding in some fun breaks for a pizza, beer, shopping, or relaxing in the park is sure to make your adventure day a memory-packed event your dog won’t soon forget!
****A portion of sales from game purchases made NOW through April 30th, 2023 will be donated to Humane Fort Wayne!
Do you have a furry friend living with you at home?
Do you love to take your pup with you on all of your adventures? Are you living in a city (or visiting one often)? If you answered yes, then you probably know just how challenging it is to find new activities that you AND your furry friend can do together to bond and stay entertained. While it’s true that dogs can be pretty easily entertained on their own (just think about all the times your dog may have yapped from your living room at the squirrels scampering outside, or spent hours staring at the neighbor’s cat curled up in the window across the street), they still also love any time playing with you that they can get. And the entertaining activity your dog probably loves the most is that daily time spent with you outside. Getting to smell every flowery bush you pass, staring up at you with that floppy tongue and big brown eyes. However, you can only take your same walking route or head over to the one dog park nearby so many times before those activities lose their appeal for you. So what else can you do with your dog in the city that will get you both out of the house and making fun memories? Here are the top 5 outdoor activities your dog will love doing with you in your busy, bright, and beautiful city that even you, your friends, and family will also find entertaining.
#1: Outdoor Adventure Games
If you’re a fan of escape rooms, scavenger hunts, or even trivia, then Get Beyond the Walls Outdoor Adventure Games will be an absolute hit with your family, friends, AND your dog. These interactive, memory-making games can be found in locations like Chicago, Boston, and Indianapolis (with more cities being added all the time). It’s affordable, gets you and your dog outside, and guarantees a one-of-a-kind, lively time. Every game includes:
… and so much more! The game provides a unique experience that will have you and your friends laughing, exploring, and creating memories. It makes for a great day outside where you can actively participate in the moment. Positively disrupt your evening routine watching Netflix with this opportunity for you and your pup to get outside for a new adventure. It’s time to bring out the natural explorer in you and your dog. With this outdoor game, your dog will spend the day trotting along with you through your city for all the challenges, puzzles, and fun. #2: Dog Friendly Cafes and Restaurants City living allows for a LOT of great eating venues. But with a dog waiting for you at home, you may occasionally say no to those dinner invites, or leave early to get back to your fur baby. The good news is there are also lots of dog friendly restaurants and cafes in the city. Check out and enter your city into the search to see hundreds of restaurant options you can recommend for the next meet-up. You can even combine restaurant-going with your Get Beyond The Walls game. Just pause your adventure to stop at one of these spots and grab a bite to eat. Your friends will love the ambiance, and your dog will love all of the head pats and table scraps that just might find their way off your plate. #3: Picnic and Play Time Even though you might already take your dog out to the park everyday, you can lengthen that time by bringing along a picnic. Pack your favorite snacks, snatch a few of your pooch’s treats from the kitchen, and collect their favorite toys. Find a nice spot to sit at the park and enjoy your snacks while your dog can get some play time outside with you. Not sure what parks are the best options in your city? Click here. There are also many parks featured in our Get Beyond The Walls games. Take a break at one of the scenic sites in your city that the game might lead you to. #4: Say “CHEESE!” We’re talking about an epic photoshoot with your furry friend. Head to your favorite spot in your city (or one of the popular city monuments you might discover while playing Get Beyond The Walls) and snap away. If you haven’t already, you can take this opportunity to create an Instagram for your pet that your distant friends and family will also love so they can follow along for all your adventures. #5: Puppuccino Time While you’ll definitely want to practice this activity in moderation - your pooch is sure to love the occasional puppuccino treat during a walk. While passing by a Starbucks or other coffee shop that caters to pets during your Get Beyond The Walls game you can stop for a refreshing drink for you and a tasty treat for your dog.
If you’re ready to get out of the house, have an adventure, spend time with family and friends, make memories, AND bring your pup along for it all… Then make sure to check out Get Beyond The Walls and combine your new adventure with any of these other 4 dog friendly activities in your city.
Make it happen by setting a date or try out one of these FREE virtual games so you can get a feel for what it will be like. Your furry friend will thank you for the unique, exciting, and entertaining day spent outside with their favorite human… you.
1. Eat outside
Summer is grilling season and there is no better time to have a BBQ with friends. But you don’t need a grill to enjoy eating outdoors. It may seem old-fashioned, but a picnic can also be lots of fun. Put some food in a basket or cooler, find a grassy spot somewhere like a local park, plop down, and have a meal. Take your friends or your family along for an experience that you’ll remember. Or if the ants have you down, check out a restaurant with outdoor seating. Smoothies or other fruity drinks are an amazing way to chill out in the heat of the summer. Our outdoor adventure games take you by many local eateries with outdoor patios perfect for this time of year. 2. Unplug and connect with your real life friends Everyone is online these days, everywhere they go. This summer make sure you take some time to share experiences with your real life friends. Summer sports like baseball, golf, tennis, horse shoes, badminton, and volleyball are excellent for connecting with friends and getting some good exercise! Playing an outdoor adventure game like Get Beyond the Walls is another great way to get you and your friends out of the house, having a blast, challenging your skills, and making awesome memories. Your brain will thank you because, sometimes, you just have to get away from the web. 3. Get healthy Summer is a great time to get in shape. Nice weather makes outdoor exercise more fun, and people often lose weight over the summer because there is so much to do. Water is an amazing thing and you can do a lot with it in the summer. Whether you are near a lake, ocean, river, or pool, there are a hundred active things you can do once you hit the water. Hiking and biking are both great ways to get off the grid, exercising and bonding with nature. Trekking out to the middle of nowhere can be a liberating and refreshing experience for your mental and physical health. But you don’t need special equipment or a long drive to get healthy. Simply hit the pavement and start walking. We have outdoor walking adventure games in many major cities. You’ll be so busy finding clues and solving challenges that you won’t even realize how many steps you’ve accumulated. Not to mention all the free vitamin D! 4. Check out seasonal venues Many local points of interest are best experienced in the summer. If you have kids then a trip to the zoo is practically a mandatory event, but all ages can enjoy seeing the animals and learning about wildlife. Landscaped gardens and parks are other seasonal favorites, but native plants are in abundance as well. Nearly everyone lives within a short drive to a place where you can go pick wildflowers or fruits. Summer is also a great time to see an outdoor show. Local festivals feature great music, made even more enjoyable when sitting in the grass and listening to songs you enjoy. If you are lucky enough to live near a drive-in movie theater, make sure you go. There is something fun about lying on your car or the bed of your truck while you watch a movie on a gigantic screen. It’s an experience that may not be around for much longer, so we recommend you try it at least once. Summer is also a great time to encounter all the wonderful sights and outdoor attractions in your city like those we feature in our walking adventure games. Discover unique parts of your city you never knew existed! 5. Take a vacation There is nothing as iconic to this season as summer vacation. It’s a time to let go of the stressful daily routine and decompress. And, really, isn’t it time you had some fun?! If your time and budget won’t allow for an exotic destination, you can make your own fun with a staycation at home. With Get Beyond the Walls, your family can solve puzzles, hunt for clues, answer challenges, and earn points while exploring areas of your city you’ve never seen before. It will definitely give you a break from the same old boring routine! 6. Watch a sunset Late summer sunsets are truly a sight to behold, and free! You may have hills in your area that you can climb where you can watch the sunset over your town, a beach, or other landmark If you time your Get Beyond the Walls game just right, you can catch the sunset with your friends as you celebrate your victory. Sunsets are among the most popular computer and cell phone backgrounds ever because they’re absolutely gorgeous, but there really is nothing like experiencing the real thing. 7. Try something you’ve never tried before As kids, summer was the time of exploration. Time off from school gave us the opportunity to try a lot of new things. These unique experiences became treasured memories. There is no reason that love of adventure has to stop! At Get Beyond the Walls, our interactive outdoor games are all about creating unique opportunities for accomplishment and adventure that are invigorating and inspiring. In the summertime, the possibilities are practically endless, so fill your waning days of sunshine with meaningful, unique experiences that connect you and your favorite people together.
Whether you are at the Indiana Convention Center for an event like Gen Con, planning a school or family trip to Indiana’s capitol, organizing a reunion for your friends, or looking forward to a couple’s weekend getaway in Indianapolis, we have compiled a list of our favorite attractions that you’ll want to see and do while you’re in Marion County. The best part? All of these attractions can be found within just a few square miles of the city’s downtown. Even local Indianapolis residents should not miss this “must-do” list of the top things to do in Indianapolis.
1. Start Your Trip with an Adventure We may be biased, but our #1 recommendation for families and groups visiting Indianapolis is to start with a unique, lively, and challenging walking adventure game from Get Beyond the Walls. Set right in the heart of the city at the corner of Washington St. & Capitol Ave., the app will guide you on a 1.4 mile route past some of Indianapolis’s most iconic points of interest including the Indiana State Capitol, Georgia Street, Gainsbridge Fieldhouse (home of Indiana Pacers), the Soldiers & Sailors Monument, and more. You’ll have a blast challenging your skills and making awesome memories with your favorite people. Even people who have lived here all their lives report seeing places and learning things they never knew about their city. It’s an energetic way to start your adventure, plus it will help you become familiar with the area so you can make the most of the rest of your trip! 2. Enjoy Indy’s Most Popular Eateries There are excellent local food options for your group in the area where your Get Beyond the Walls adventure in Indianapolis begins and ends. Grab breakfast at Café Patachou just across from the game’s starting point, or reserve a table at Harry & Izzy’s upscale steakhouse just a few blocks away to recharge after your adventure. Not in the fine dining mood? A few blocks North is “Mass. Ave.” where you can find some excellent pizza at Bazbeauz, comfort food at The Eagle, or burgers at BRU Burger Bar. Or book an evening Taste Indy Food Tour to get a little bit of everything this city has to offer. 3. Visit the Indianapolis Zoo For animal lovers, you’ll want to check out the Indianapolis Zoo. This 64-acre non-profit zoo and public aquarium is among the largest privately funded zoos in the United States. It houses more than 1,400 animals and 200 species, and is among the city's most visited attractions with over a million guests annually. 4. Discover Your Love of Music If you are traveling with kids, you’ll want to take them to the Rhythm! Discovery Center where they can explore the history of percussion, with drum exhibits where they can actually play. Music lovers should check out Indy’s music scene. There is something for everyone from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to live music bars like Howl at the Moon and Tin Roof. 5. Take a Break with Nature Did you know Indianapolis has a state park in its downtown? White River State Park is home to many cultural venues and offers bike rentals, gondola rides, and Segway tours. Families looking for things to do with kids will especially enjoy the Children’s Maze in the north part of the park. 6. Check Out a Museum The top-rated family activity in Indianapolis must be The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. This huge, interactive kids' museum includes a planetarium, carousel, science labs, library, and much more. Other museums in this city that you might check out while you’re here include the Eiteljorg Museum of Native American art and culture, the Indiana State Museum with an IMAX theater and historical exhibits from prehistoric times to the present day, or the NCAA Hall of Champions three building interactive sports complex. 7. Stroll Along the Canal You’ll find many favorite things to do along the Indianapolis Canal Walk, such as paddleboating, kayaking and enjoying murals by local artists. Kids love the Indianapolis Colts Playspace, which is a beautiful (and free) place to spend time with your family. 8. Find More Places to Play After challenging your skills and making awesome memories with a Get Beyond the Walls adventure game, here are several other Indianapolis activities your group will likely enjoy. For more puzzles and problem solving games like Get Beyond the Walls, check out The Escape Room Indianapolis. For more interactive activities like Get Beyond the Walls that you can enjoy with your family, try Tilt Studio Indianapolis. And if you are looking for another fun activity for a group, consider Bad Axe Throwing in downtown Indianapolis. Of course, continue to check out our Get Beyond the Walls app or sign up for our newsletter to be notified when we make more Indianapolis adventure games —we’re adding new games in new cities all the time!
We think a few of these will surprise you!
If there is one constant in this world, it’s change. When we set out to make a real world adventure game, we discovered that Get Beyond the Walls is an ever-evolving journey. Whether natural, manmade, temporary or permanent, lots of uncontrollable factors can interfere with the routes in our outdoor interactive games. This is why we’re continuously developing new games and improving on old favorites. Player feedback is essential to make sure our games stay up-to-date, playable, and relevant. At the end of each game, we ask our players to tell us about their experience. This helps us identify changes that might have occurred with the route so we can make adjustments to the game for the next team. This feedback also gives us insights into what’s important to our players. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 responses we’ve received from Get Beyond the Walls teams. If you are wondering why you should give our games a try, check out this list: 10. Finally! Fun for a group that really doesn’t cost very much. Get Beyond the Walls games start at $49 for a group of 5. 9. Use your cellphone for more than social media. Instead of being the focus, players see how the phone can be a tool for real social connection in our live interactive games. 8. Be safe with people while playing outside. While this has been a new response that jumped into the top ten since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve always been conscious of planning our game routes in areas that are safe and accessible. 7. Rise to the CHALLENGE of scoring against other teams. Those with a competitive nature like seeing how high they can rank on the app’s leaderboard. 6. Keep your brain sharp. Brains need exercise too, and Get Beyond the Walls players often remind us that our games help them challenge their thinking. 5. Gain a new appreciation for local history. One of our favorite parts of game development is uncovering the past and bringing it to life through these interactive adventures. 4. Sneak in some outdoor exercise. Many players are surprised by how many steps they’ve accumulated while having fun exploring their city. 3. Discover facts and features in your city that you never knew existed. Even more people are surprised by how many things they didn’t know about the city they’re in. These games take them to places they may have never gone otherwise. 2. See your friends, family, or coworkers in a whole different way. Players have been amazed to see how this team-based game brings out each others’ qualities and strengths. And coming in at the top… 1. Spend time together with your favorite people. Quality time with friends and family ranks highest on the list of reasons to play Get Beyond the Walls! Find a Get Beyond the Walls game here.
Graduation is a busy time. There is a whirlwind of events to coordinate, emotional rollercoasters to ride, and major life decisions to be made.
One minute you are searching “graduation party planning,” “graduation gift ideas,” and “things to do before graduation day,” and the next the big day is here before you are ready. You don’t want to miss a moment, but it all happens so quickly. Don’t worry if it’s already upon you and you didn’t make it through all those internet lists. There is one gift idea, one thing to do, that stands out above all others (at least in our humble opinion). The most important thing you can give or get as a graduate the summer after graduation is the gift of time. Time spent enjoying yourself with your favorite people is something you will not regret. Not only will you be creating awesome memories that last a lifetime, but enjoying some well deserved playtime is a great way to relieve stress too! Get Beyond the Walls outdoor adventure games are the ideal way to have fun with a group. Solve puzzles, hunt for clues, answer challenges, and earn points in these city-based adventure games. This interesting, affordable outdoor activity can be done in an afternoon and is great for all ages. With games in cities from Austin to Boston, you are sure to find one nearby. When you and your friends play Get Beyond the Walls, you’ll feel accomplished, invigorated, challenged, and connected, like you’ve worked together and conquered something. If you are the proud parent, we encourage you to plan a family day for you and your graduate to play. If you are a recent grad, Get Beyond the Walls games provide the perfect activity to get you and your friends together before your lives all head in different directions. Whether you are purchasing the game to play now, or giving your grad a code to play later, Get Beyond the Walls is a unique gift idea that they will appreciate long after the graduation money is spent. If you’re ready to be the initiator of some serious memories, choose your game at Have you ever noticed how the winter season always seems to mean a lot more eating and less moving and fresh air for your family? And, spending a lot more time indoors when it's cold outside could lead to boredom as well. Yes, it just seems to go along with the winter months, but it doesn’t have to. You just need to be armed with some great outdoor group activities that involve getting the family outside to have some fun. Fortunately, we have a few remedies for that stuck-indoors feeling, and we hope that you and your family will try a few of them. Winter Sports It's a great time to take advantage of seasonal sports like ice skating, skiing, or sledding. You might find a public ice rink in your town, however, there’s something exhilarating about skating on a local outdoor ice rink. And, you don’t need the perfect double axel to just have a great time. So, lace up those skates and have some fun! If you are lucky enough to have snow, the kids in your family are probably eager to try out their sleds and locate the nearest hill. OK, maybe there aren't any really big steep ones nearby but it's usually easy enough to find an embankment for sliding down. All that's needed is an inner tube, sled, piece of cardboard, or a trash can lid for zooming over the snow. On the other hand, if you and your family members love skiing, then why not head for the nearest ski resort? Once you're there, jump on the lift, and get in some skiing while there's fresh powder on the ground. And, when you're all done with that healthy exercise, try building a snowman, ice painting, or a snowy scavenger hunt. Then, head inside for some hot chocolate. You've earned it after all! A Winter Hike Enjoying a new view of nature with a brisk winter hike could be just the thing your family needs! A brisk walk around the neighborhood (and don't forget your dogs) will do quite nicely, but if you happen to be close to some hiking trails, why not take a break from the neighborhood sidewalks for a change? You'll be enjoying all of that scenic foliage and glistening snow. Don't forget to bring along some bottled water and to take regular breaks if you or someone else in your family tires easily. Outdoor Adventure Games Exploring your city with Outdoor Adventure Games is another great way to get into the great outdoors and have some fun. Get Beyond the Walls adventure games provide affordable, safe, year-round fun for all ages! Games are currently available for outdoor group adventures in these US cities: Types of Games Outdoor escape room games start at a specific point in the city. From there, you are guided by the story along a predetermined path. Players use supplied props and elements from the environment to solve riddles and puzzles while also finding special codes for completing their particular story goal. Through the course of the story, players hunt for and discover all kinds of things in their city that they may have never even seen before. These super-fun theme-based outdoor adventure games are great family bonding activities. Finishing your story and comparing your score with others makes it even more challenging and excellent as a family or team building activity. Can your team beat the high score? Route-based games are also available and offer a set path that makes them easier to play, especially for beginners. As a player, you're guided through your city one challenge at a time along a special app-based route. During your amazing outdoor winter adventure, the app leads you from place to place as you complete puzzles to unlock obscure facts about your city. Short on time? No problem. All our Outdoor Adventure Games are started and stopped on your schedule. The app allows you to stop playing and then pick the game back up later right where you left off. And, everyone that plays can enjoy earning points at the same time! Will you make the top of the leaderboard? Buy Now, Play Later Gift Vouchers If you are thinking this would make a great gift for someone you know, we agree! With Get Beyond the Walls gift vouchers, you can purchase a code now to redeem for a game at any time - winter, spring, summer, or fall. Why will your lucky gift recipients really appreciate a Get Beyond the Walls gift voucher for fun things to do year-round? Well, that's actually quite simple! It's because they'll really enjoy this type of unique adventure with friends while discovering special things in their city. Clearly, this is a must-have gift for all of your adventurous friends and family members alike no matter what the occasion. Log In Today So, whether you're looking for a family adventure, party game ideas, or just an alternative to game night, we've got you covered. They can make the winter months more exciting and incredibly invigorating at the same time. We know that you'll find that games or gift vouchers from Get Beyond the Walls are fun for the whole family. So move this up to the top of your shopping list and get moving this season! You can log in and start playing a game today or order gift vouchers for giving the amazing gift of adventure. There are also lots of new fun games to play with friends that will start appearing in both our current locations as well as some new cities nationwide very soon — follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest to hear about the latest releases. The time you spend and memories you make with friends and family are priceless. That's why you should log in today and see all the fun games and party ideas for adults — and groups of all ages — to enjoy together! If you have been searching for new family bonding activities, you've come to the right place. We know the difficulty: you want something that's not just fun but also challenging for all ages and affordable. Your options are more limited now with the pandemic, but you’re tired of virtual game nights and zoom meetings. Beyond the Walls just might be the answer to all your group activity challenges. And, getting started with these fun family activities with your team is really easy. All you have to do is select your city, choose a game, then log in to set up your account. You're now ready for joining the game and having some fun. You can start route-based scavenger hunt games anytime. You can also buy now and schedule a game for later. Unique Christmas Gifts 2021 The games that are available at Get Beyond the Walls make great gifts for people who are impossible to shop for. This time of year, we all start racking our brains trying to figure out what to give as gifts to those who are close to us. On the other hand, they could be for a Secret Santa gift, an office or business associate gift, or even just last minute gifts for people that you unintentionally forgot about this year. These games are great for people of all ages, genders, and walks of life, so your lucky game recipient will never suspect that you picked up this last-minute gift. They'll be way too busy having fun! Have people in your life who are hard to buy for? Do you agonize over finding the proper gifts for people who are impossible to shop for? And, often the hardest ones to find are great gifts for families with older kids. Right? But, not anymore. You'll find that these innovative and entertaining games are ideal gifts that are fun for family and friends alike. You can count on them appreciating your thoughtfulness and will applaud your innovative gift-giving. They'll also undoubtedly find their game(s) to be as much fun and just as fascinating as a good scavenger hunt. Choose Gift Vouchers Get Beyond the Walls gift vouchers offer your gift recipients the opportunity to purchase their game now for having outdoor family fun and receive a special code for redeeming later to play outdoor route-based games. Games include escape-room-style puzzles, scavenger hunt elements, trivia, and more. Learn about local history and engage your family or friends in fun outdoor play. So, give someone a family adventure that's the perfect gift for the whole family, social groups, or even parties, and you'll be giving them an unforgettable experience. Some of the other benefits include the fact that there's no shipping required and these new and innovative games make excellent Christmas gifts for $50 or less. In addition, they're unique and so much fun for people of all ages. All you have to do is form a team of two to five people or just play alone if you prefer. Get Beyond the Walls makes mobile games that allow you to visit popular city attractions and learn something about their history when you solve challenges and puzzles with your colleagues, family members, and friends. About Get Beyond the Walls After many years and countless hours of searching everywhere for affordable, fun, family-friendly, safe activities, owners Kim and Jay created the company. Thanks to them, you no longer need to worry about having to spend hours planning events, or wondering whether everybody will have a good time. Now, you know for sure that they definitely will. These addictive, competitive, challenging, and even educational, games have all of that covered for you. So, if you need a break, a special gift for someone, or simply want to discover something new and interesting about your city or some other city, then maybe it's time to create some new memories that'll last a lifetime! Path-Based Games These games start by introducing you to new facts about your city and perhaps even some places in it where you've never been before. You can even test-drive a game without ever having to leave home. In games that are path-based, there's a particular point for starting the game. Then, it will guide you along a pre-determined path where you can see breathtaking landmarks while discovering more info about the entire area that'll prove entertaining by both amazing you and solving some puzzles. Check out the game descriptions for information about where they start and stop as well as the distance you'll be walking, and the approximate amount of time it takes to play. You earn points with each challenge you complete — compare your results with past teams and compete for the high score. Theme-Based Games In these games, there is a specific point from which to start the game. The game tells a story by guiding you along a predetermined path. You will solve puzzles and riddles and find codes to complete a story goal or find a final solution. You'll be guided through the city on an app-based route where you will learn how to get from one place to another, completing tasks that depend on where you are in the city. Finish the story and compare your score with other players. Themed games are more challenging, too. In addition, more game formats are coming soon, so be sure to check back later. Your Santa List So, whether you need a last minute gift or unique and interesting best gifts for a INTP (aka introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving) person, then Get Beyond the Walls games should be at the top of your Santa list. You can order the games and gift vouchers at and give the gift of fun and adventure! And, plenty of new games will soon be appearing in both currently existing and new cities nationwide. |