Do you have a furry friend living with you at home?
Do you love to take your pup with you on all of your adventures? Are you living in a city (or visiting one often)? If you answered yes, then you probably know just how challenging it is to find new activities that you AND your furry friend can do together to bond and stay entertained. While it’s true that dogs can be pretty easily entertained on their own (just think about all the times your dog may have yapped from your living room at the squirrels scampering outside, or spent hours staring at the neighbor’s cat curled up in the window across the street), they still also love any time playing with you that they can get. And the entertaining activity your dog probably loves the most is that daily time spent with you outside. Getting to smell every flowery bush you pass, staring up at you with that floppy tongue and big brown eyes. However, you can only take your same walking route or head over to the one dog park nearby so many times before those activities lose their appeal for you. So what else can you do with your dog in the city that will get you both out of the house and making fun memories? Here are the top 5 outdoor activities your dog will love doing with you in your busy, bright, and beautiful city that even you, your friends, and family will also find entertaining.
#1: Outdoor Adventure Games
If you’re a fan of escape rooms, scavenger hunts, or even trivia, then Get Beyond the Walls Outdoor Adventure Games will be an absolute hit with your family, friends, AND your dog. These interactive, memory-making games can be found in locations like Chicago, Boston, and Indianapolis (with more cities being added all the time). It’s affordable, gets you and your dog outside, and guarantees a one-of-a-kind, lively time. Every game includes:
… and so much more! The game provides a unique experience that will have you and your friends laughing, exploring, and creating memories. It makes for a great day outside where you can actively participate in the moment. Positively disrupt your evening routine watching Netflix with this opportunity for you and your pup to get outside for a new adventure. It’s time to bring out the natural explorer in you and your dog. With this outdoor game, your dog will spend the day trotting along with you through your city for all the challenges, puzzles, and fun. #2: Dog Friendly Cafes and Restaurants City living allows for a LOT of great eating venues. But with a dog waiting for you at home, you may occasionally say no to those dinner invites, or leave early to get back to your fur baby. The good news is there are also lots of dog friendly restaurants and cafes in the city. Check out and enter your city into the search to see hundreds of restaurant options you can recommend for the next meet-up. You can even combine restaurant-going with your Get Beyond The Walls game. Just pause your adventure to stop at one of these spots and grab a bite to eat. Your friends will love the ambiance, and your dog will love all of the head pats and table scraps that just might find their way off your plate. #3: Picnic and Play Time Even though you might already take your dog out to the park everyday, you can lengthen that time by bringing along a picnic. Pack your favorite snacks, snatch a few of your pooch’s treats from the kitchen, and collect their favorite toys. Find a nice spot to sit at the park and enjoy your snacks while your dog can get some play time outside with you. Not sure what parks are the best options in your city? Click here. There are also many parks featured in our Get Beyond The Walls games. Take a break at one of the scenic sites in your city that the game might lead you to. #4: Say “CHEESE!” We’re talking about an epic photoshoot with your furry friend. Head to your favorite spot in your city (or one of the popular city monuments you might discover while playing Get Beyond The Walls) and snap away. If you haven’t already, you can take this opportunity to create an Instagram for your pet that your distant friends and family will also love so they can follow along for all your adventures. #5: Puppuccino Time While you’ll definitely want to practice this activity in moderation - your pooch is sure to love the occasional puppuccino treat during a walk. While passing by a Starbucks or other coffee shop that caters to pets during your Get Beyond The Walls game you can stop for a refreshing drink for you and a tasty treat for your dog.
If you’re ready to get out of the house, have an adventure, spend time with family and friends, make memories, AND bring your pup along for it all… Then make sure to check out Get Beyond The Walls and combine your new adventure with any of these other 4 dog friendly activities in your city.
Make it happen by setting a date or try out one of these FREE virtual games so you can get a feel for what it will be like. Your furry friend will thank you for the unique, exciting, and entertaining day spent outside with their favorite human… you.
1. Eat outside
Summer is grilling season and there is no better time to have a BBQ with friends. But you don’t need a grill to enjoy eating outdoors. It may seem old-fashioned, but a picnic can also be lots of fun. Put some food in a basket or cooler, find a grassy spot somewhere like a local park, plop down, and have a meal. Take your friends or your family along for an experience that you’ll remember. Or if the ants have you down, check out a restaurant with outdoor seating. Smoothies or other fruity drinks are an amazing way to chill out in the heat of the summer. Our outdoor adventure games take you by many local eateries with outdoor patios perfect for this time of year. 2. Unplug and connect with your real life friends Everyone is online these days, everywhere they go. This summer make sure you take some time to share experiences with your real life friends. Summer sports like baseball, golf, tennis, horse shoes, badminton, and volleyball are excellent for connecting with friends and getting some good exercise! Playing an outdoor adventure game like Get Beyond the Walls is another great way to get you and your friends out of the house, having a blast, challenging your skills, and making awesome memories. Your brain will thank you because, sometimes, you just have to get away from the web. 3. Get healthy Summer is a great time to get in shape. Nice weather makes outdoor exercise more fun, and people often lose weight over the summer because there is so much to do. Water is an amazing thing and you can do a lot with it in the summer. Whether you are near a lake, ocean, river, or pool, there are a hundred active things you can do once you hit the water. Hiking and biking are both great ways to get off the grid, exercising and bonding with nature. Trekking out to the middle of nowhere can be a liberating and refreshing experience for your mental and physical health. But you don’t need special equipment or a long drive to get healthy. Simply hit the pavement and start walking. We have outdoor walking adventure games in many major cities. You’ll be so busy finding clues and solving challenges that you won’t even realize how many steps you’ve accumulated. Not to mention all the free vitamin D! 4. Check out seasonal venues Many local points of interest are best experienced in the summer. If you have kids then a trip to the zoo is practically a mandatory event, but all ages can enjoy seeing the animals and learning about wildlife. Landscaped gardens and parks are other seasonal favorites, but native plants are in abundance as well. Nearly everyone lives within a short drive to a place where you can go pick wildflowers or fruits. Summer is also a great time to see an outdoor show. Local festivals feature great music, made even more enjoyable when sitting in the grass and listening to songs you enjoy. If you are lucky enough to live near a drive-in movie theater, make sure you go. There is something fun about lying on your car or the bed of your truck while you watch a movie on a gigantic screen. It’s an experience that may not be around for much longer, so we recommend you try it at least once. Summer is also a great time to encounter all the wonderful sights and outdoor attractions in your city like those we feature in our walking adventure games. Discover unique parts of your city you never knew existed! 5. Take a vacation There is nothing as iconic to this season as summer vacation. It’s a time to let go of the stressful daily routine and decompress. And, really, isn’t it time you had some fun?! If your time and budget won’t allow for an exotic destination, you can make your own fun with a staycation at home. With Get Beyond the Walls, your family can solve puzzles, hunt for clues, answer challenges, and earn points while exploring areas of your city you’ve never seen before. It will definitely give you a break from the same old boring routine! 6. Watch a sunset Late summer sunsets are truly a sight to behold, and free! You may have hills in your area that you can climb where you can watch the sunset over your town, a beach, or other landmark If you time your Get Beyond the Walls game just right, you can catch the sunset with your friends as you celebrate your victory. Sunsets are among the most popular computer and cell phone backgrounds ever because they’re absolutely gorgeous, but there really is nothing like experiencing the real thing. 7. Try something you’ve never tried before As kids, summer was the time of exploration. Time off from school gave us the opportunity to try a lot of new things. These unique experiences became treasured memories. There is no reason that love of adventure has to stop! At Get Beyond the Walls, our interactive outdoor games are all about creating unique opportunities for accomplishment and adventure that are invigorating and inspiring. In the summertime, the possibilities are practically endless, so fill your waning days of sunshine with meaningful, unique experiences that connect you and your favorite people together. |